Tuesday, February 08, 2005

GNOME Culture

Read a good article about GNOME culture by Seth Nickell. Here is a small piece of his article. More at, www.gnomejournal.org

In 2002, Derek Glidden wrote a humorous comparison between his visions of how GNOME and KDE development occur. Just to give you a taste:

”[KDE is developed in] a big room somewhere in Europe with lots of chrome and glass and a great big whiteboard in the front with lots of tiny, neat writing on it. There are about 50 desks, each with headphones and pristine workstations, also with a lot of chrome and glass. The faint sound of classical music permeates the room, accompanying the clicky-click of 50 programmers typing or quietly talking in one of the appropriately assigned meeting areas.


”[GNOME] Development strategies are generally determined by whatever light show happens to be going on at the moment, when one of the developers will leap up and scream *‘I WANT IT TO LOOK JUST LIKE THAT’* and then straight-arm his laptop against the wall in an hallucinogenic frenzy before vomiting copiously, passing out and falling face-down in the middle of the dance floor. There’s no whiteboard, so developers diagram things out in the puddles of spilt beer, urine and vomit on the floor”

1 comment:

  1. I have always enjoyed using GNOME over the KDE. GNOME has some unique design styles (though they keep changing a lot) and a look n feel that suits me,. KDE which could be useful /helpful to the newbie somewhat fails to pull me.
    It was interesting to know that GNOME has good share of Eazel ( which was company formed by former MAC Design folks of Apple)

    See the Spatial Waydesign decisions behind GNOME Nautilus.
